Posts by susanwrites
The Nuts and Bolts of Death: What to Know Before You Go
“None of us gets out of here alive. Yet few of us take the time to plan for—much less talk about—death. Inevitable and expensive, death is the ultimate big ticket item. Besides the disposition of our physical bodies, there’s the distribution of our personal belongings, as well as myriad end-of-life tasks like freezing Facebook and…
Read MoreNew Research Shapes Author’s Advice for Wildlife Gardeners
Much can change in 15 years. When author David Mizejewski originally wrote Attracting Birds, Butterflies, and Other Backyard Wildlife in 2004, wildlife losses certainly were concerning. But now? One million species are believed to be endangered. “And one-third of all species in the U.S. are at increased risk of extinction in the coming decades,” Mizejewski…
Read MoreHow to Garden for Butterfly Life Cycles
Want to encourage more butterflies in your backyard or garden? Consider planting in concert with the lifecycle of butterflies in your region!
Read MoreAvant Gourd
Growing versatile luffa gourds pays off in home gardens and at farmers markets.
Read MoreBeekeeping Basics: How to Establish a New Apiary
Thoughtful setup and preparation for your hives now can save you (and your bees) loads of time and trouble later.
Read MoreUnder the Weather: How Climate Change Is Messing with Monroe County
You don’t have to buy into the notion of climate change to recognize that Indiana’s seasons aren’t quite what they used to be. But, if you hope to understand why we’re already seeing wetter springs, hotter summers, less snow in the winter, and more numerous and extreme weather events, maintaining even a grudging open- ness…
Read MoreAre We Loving Monarchs to Death?
Until recently, monarchs have mostly been at Mother Nature’s mercy—contending with disease, weather fluctuations, and heavy predation in the wild. Lately, however, the efforts of a well-meaning public to bring monarch eggs and larvae indoors to raise to maturity, or to purchase large numbers of farmed monarchs for release into the wild, may be making…
Read MoreUnintended Consequences: The Sinister Side of Species Protection
There’s something dark at work when it comes to certain human-animal interactions. A recent report from the Ecological Society of America admits that calling attention to plants and animals in need of special protections can actually result in “perverse consequences,” ultimately putting some species in harm’s way—even in the face of stiff penalties.
Read MoreBeyond Pigeons: Bird watching catches on in the urban jungle
“Okay, so he was dead. But he was also the most stunning wild bird I’d ever seen—probably ever would see. I’d been walking the city alleys of Bloomington, Indiana, when I nearly stepped on a lovely-but-lifeless Indigo Bunting. I recall lightly pinching his paper-thin body between my thumb and index finger. With the smallest movement…
Read MoreBarricading Bears
“After half an hour of clawing and biting, four Bronx Zoo grizzlies gave up on the apple-filled canister their keepers tossed them to test. The confounding container manufactured by Garcia Machine was designed to be bear proof, and fortunately for the bears, it is.”
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