Services & Philosophy
Susan is a veritable Swiss army knife—delivering images, infographics, video, and more.

A dogged researcher, Susan seeks out primary sources as well as fresh and unusual interview subjects. To facilitate fact-checking, she includes comprehensive source and background lists with all completed assignments. She also works from full interview transcriptions—no matter a story's complexity, length, or placement.
Besides solid research and writing, Susan can deliver accompanying multi-media content, including:
- High-resolution photos
- Original infographics
- Short video tutorials, etc.
- Podcast/audio items
Susan routinely produces:
- Nonfiction, first-person narrative stories
- Full-length, service-oriented features
- Compact, front-of-the-book items
- Hands-on, how-tos
- Nonfiction books with original illustrations
Susan occasionally will work on corporate communication projects, but only if the corporate client’s interests fall well outside of Susan’s regular editorial focus areas.
Corporate projects can include:
- Value-added content (online and print)
- Email campaigns
- White papers
- Case studies
For more information or to discuss a specific project: